imprint thimphu logo
We know your privacy is important to you and is committed to protecting your information.

The information we need

When you place an order, we will ask for your contact information (i.e., name, mobile number, shipping address, and email address). The information you provide us is used for processing and fulfilling your order and contacting you if we have problems processing your order. Though we make every effort to preserve your privacy, we may need to disclose personal information when required by law and when we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process.

What we do with your information

The private information that you give us when you place an order or utilize one of our special services is used to process and fulfill your order or request. This information may be combined with other personally identifiable information (such as demographic information and past purchase history) available from our records and other sources. This information will be used to make our future marketing efforts more helpful and relevant to you.

Though we make every effort to preserve your privacy, we may need to disclose personal information when required by law and when we have a good-faith belief that such action is necessary to comply with a judicial proceeding, a court order or legal process.

Our Commitment is committed to protecting your privacy. We use the personal information you give us, such as your name, mobile number, shipping address, and email address, to process and keep you informed of your order. You may, from time to time, receive information from us about new features, new services and special offers we think you’ll find valuable. Under no circumstances do we rent, trade or share your email address or mobile number with any other company for marketing purposes.

Choice to opt-out

If you are no longer interested in receiving announcements and other marketing information from us, please email your request to “”. Please include your complete name and email address if you prefer not to receive newsletters from us.

Updating your personal information

If your personal information changes, we provide you a way to correct, update or remove the personal data you provided to us. You can make necessary changes by contacting our customer service department via email at: “”.

follow us on Instagram @imprint.thimphu

follow us on Instagram @jerseynumberbhutan

follow us on Instagram @totebag.bhutan

Commitment to Quality

We achieve this goal by continuously improving the cost effectiveness and of all of our products and processes, as well as focusing on innovation.

Store Opening

Shop open from Monday to Saturday
11:00HRS - 20:00HRS (11:00AM-08:00PM)